Oct 3, 2008

[mos-ak] Edinburgh on-line publications

I post an e-mail from Wladek Grabinski (MOS-AK), in the MOS-AK googlegroups:

The MOS-AK Edinburgh Workshop's presentations are available on-line
please visit:

I would like to take this opportunity and thank all speakers and presenters for their valuable contribution to the MOS-AK/ESSDERC/ESSCIRC workshop.

Let me also acknowledge the workshop sponsors (Accelicon, Tanner, X-FAB and SUSS) for their generous financial support as well as the conference organizers for their support, smooth organization and perfect logistic of our modeling event, which is an unique platform for continuous promotion of local, European compact modeling activities.

You are more than welcome to attend and contribute to coming events:

# 1st International MOS-AK Workshop in San Francisco

# MOS-AK Spring'09 Meeting

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